Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Josef Špaček

Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra ⬩ Josef Špaček

Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is heard every evening in dozens of cities all around the world in all kinds of venues and performances, often as a tourist attraction. To begin Series K, we have decided to present Vivaldi’s cycle in all its glory played by Josef Špaček and his colleagues from the Czech Philharmonic.

Duration of the programme 1 hour 30 minutes
Czech Philharmonic chamber ensembles


Antonio Vivaldi
The Four Seasons, Op. 8, four concertos for violin and string orchestra

Astor Piazzolla
The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires


Josef Špaček
violin, artistic supervisor of the project

Czech Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra

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Rudolfinum — Dvorak Hall

11/10/2019 Sunday 3:00 PM

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